- About Us -
Come as you are - whether you're seeking answers, searching for meaning, or simply looking for a welcoming community to call home, you'll find a place to belong here. Our doors are open wide, and our hearts are ready to welcome you with open arms. Let's come together, lift our voices in praise, and grow together in faith.
- More About Us -
Our church council members serve a vital role in supporting the church through good communication. Ensuring the congregation knows what each group is doing builds healthy relationships of love and trust. Exercise discipline on behalf of the congregation as appropriate.
What is the Church Council?
Who are the Church Council Members?
Class of 2024: Bob Crawford Cheryl Remillard Jonathan Side - Council Chair
Class of 2025: Lynda Guest (to be named)
Class of 2026: Mary Jo Juneau Cheryl Breen Randall
Lay Leader: Margaret Edwards
Council Secretary:
Cemetery Chair: Howard Paul Bell (ex-officio)
Recording Clerk: Amanda Corse (ex-officio)
Church Council Meetings
Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9AM - Noon / 1PM - 3PM
Available Remotely via email & cell phone
Tuesday & Thursday 9AM-3PM
Office Information:
PO Box 38, Peru, New York 12972
(518) 643-8641 - Office
(518) 339-1536 - Cell